Linguistic Ontology

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6.3.3 Linguistic Ontology The purpose of Linguistic ontology is the Web containing data of sort that are routinely gathered by field of linguistics and different languages can be automatically searched and compared o the World Wide Web. The linguists, indigenous communities, and language learners can be access to resources that are until difficult to obtain now. For linguists, scientific data from world’s languages will be easy to get information in on-line newspaper. For indigenous communities, the Web will be a great mechanism for upholding language as educational resource. For students and educationalists, a new tool will be available for teaching and learning minority and rare languages. GOLD (General Ontology for Linguistic Description) …show more content…

The scope of biomedical ontology is to study classes of entities like substances, qualities and processes in reality which is the importance of biomedical. Examples of such classes include substances such as glucose and the mitral valve, qualities such as the diameter of the left ventricle and the catalytic function of enzymes, and processes such as secreting hormones and blood circulation. Different biomedical expressions, which gathers the names of entities used in the biomedical domain, biomedical ontology is disturbed with definition of biological classes and the relations between them. Many products developed by biomedical terminologists and ontologists often decrease between terminologies and ontologies and then form an “ontology gradient”. Examine OpenGALEN, the UMLS Semantic Network, SNOMED CT, the Foundational Model of Anatomy, and the MENELAS ontology as well as descriptions of the biomedical domain in two general ontologies, OpenCyc and WordNet. Genaralised Architecture for Languages, Encyclopaedias, and Nomenclatures of medicine (GALEN) is a European project which is provides re-usable terminology resources for clinical systems and also provides the building blocks required for describing terminologies, as well as a method for combining simple concepts. For instance, the concepts Adenocyte and Thyroid gland are present in GALEN. The GALEN ontology has been used for signifying complex structures such as descriptions of medical procedures. Cyc,® a general ontology developed by Cycorp, Inc., is built approximately a centre of more than 1,000,000 hand-coded statements that capture “common sense” information and allow a different of knowledge-intensive applications. “Microtheories” are collections of declarations sharing a common set of statements focused according to a specific parameter like