Never Events In Health Care

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Develop the concept/idea/issue you selected from your practice area into a relevant question
This paper will evaluate and address issues surrounding never event in healthcare. In this regard, the guiding question for this analysis is, ‘How can never events be prevented in acute healthcare institutions?’
Describe the question
According to Wilson and Giddens (2014), never events are adverse situations and serious medical errors that a patient should never experience. For instance, wrong medication, wrong surgical site, administering contaminated drugs to patient or sexual abuse of a patient within a health care facility. In most instances, these events are preventable but upon their occurrence, they are costly, both financially and reputation-wise to the affected healthcare institutions and the patient. Therefore, never events can be prevented by finding out the source of error or the near misses and developing mechanisms to prevent these events from occurring.
Working through the four steps of the data, information, knowledge, wisdom continuum
Moen and …show more content…

As a result, this will provide the knowledge of the rate of incidence and understand the conditions which were involved for such events to take place in order to initiate proper prevention measures from their taking place again.
Can informatics be used to gain wisdom?
According to Ball, Douglas, and Walker (2013), informatics is the integration of nursing practice to information technology in order to promote health. As such, informatics can be used to gain wisdom. In this regard, understanding the information stored electronically, forming knowledge based on information gathered from health record concerning particular issue such as never events will provide essential wisdom over a period of time. In addition, it will assist in placing the case under investigation in context.
Describe how you would