Social Media's Negative Influence On Abortion

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Social media platforms continue to change the healthcare landscape by allowing for users to see a variety of information and points of view. Social media can be used for information and education, marketing, recruiting, and news updates. Healthcare organizations and consumers can utilize social media to improve health and knowledge. Social media can also be used for research, disease tracking, and to monitor trends. This paper discusses the controversial public health topic of abortion and what people are saying regarding it on Twitter. Also discussed are the positive and negative influences that social media has on healthcare organizations and consumers and how the role of the nurse informaticist relates to this.
Research Methods Abortion …show more content…

Healthcare institutions, organizations, and consumers in today’s healthcare environment can utilize social media to their advantage to provide and seek education, services available, and information related to healthcare. Conversely, social media is able to negatively perpetuate harassment and trolling. While collecting tweets there were also several disturbing images attached to the tweets. Social media can negatively influence healthcare institutions, organizations, and consumers in today’s healthcare environment by providing false information, manipulation, and …show more content…

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