
Lionheart: The Story Of Oedipus The King

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On planet earth there was a boy who lived in a humble family he grew up in school with good grades and was famous among his classmates for his good looks and gentle personality he was also in very good physical shape and he trained in martial arts.

He graduated from college with perfect grades and became a very successful businessman and married a beautiful wife.

He had many children and grandchildren and lived a happy but boring life.

But he didn't die as a failure and poor person from a truck accident but died a natural way of old age.

But that wasn't the end of his story he got reincarnated by a person who calls himself a God.

The first riancarnation was as the third prince of a kingdom called the kingdom of Asilyra as Madison Lionheart …show more content…

But in a kingdom with many people who didn't want there to be any threats to there ascension to the throne.

So his elder George Lionheart tried to assassinate him but his assassination was failed.

So or protagonist was forced to enter the fight for the ascension to the throne and after many years of fighting with is brothers and family he became the king.

But as he became king he couldn't live a quiet life because of his neighbour's so he vowed to make his kingdom the strongest kingdom so that nobody can threaten him

so he fighted for many years and lost many friends and people he loves and made his kingdom one of the strongest human kingdoms in the world.

And again he couldn't lead a quiet life because of human kinds biggest enemy the demon king and his army of demon's

They destroyed many kingdoms and killed millions of people and when the humens were on the brink of extinction.

Madison lionheart led his people for a last stand and drove away the demon then he founded the Holy Asilyra empire and became a legendary emperor.

But good things doesn't last forever as he was poisoned buy his son because of his greed for the

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