
List Of Characters In Kate Chopin's The Awakening

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Title: The Awakening
Author: Kate Chopin
List of Characters:
Edna Pontellier is the wife of a New Orleans businessman Leonce. Edna is dissatisfied with her marriage and lifestyle and goes through great pains to experience a series of “awakenings,” that allow her to discover her own identity and act on her desires for emotional and sexual satisfaction. Edna’s awakenings isolate her from others and ultimately lead her to commit suicide.
Mademoiselle Reisz is an isolated yet talented pianist who devotes her life to music and is the only person who knows of Edna and Roberts love for one another. Mademoiselle Reisz is the most instrumental person in Edna’s “awakening.”
Robert Lebrun is the man that Edna falls in love with. Although his attachment to a married woman for the summer is common and thus his professions of affection and attachment are not taken seriously, he genuinely falls in love with Edna and is thus torn between what his heart tells him and what society expects him to do. …show more content…

Alcée Arobin is Edna’s lover while her husband is away on business and Robert is in Mexico.
Léonce Pontellier is Edna’s husband. Leonce loves Edna and his children but is very materialistic and concerned with outward appearances. He wants Edna to be the conventional New Orleans wife.
Doctor Mandelet is The Pontellier family doctor and recognizes the signs of Edna being in love with someone else when Leonce comes to him for advice about how she’s changing. The doctor advises Edna and is worried about the consequences her action will have.

Significance of the ending/closing

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