Literacy Argument Essay

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What is literacy in terms of the 21st century? For that answer, many of us would look to the Webster dictionary, where we would find the insufficient definition of “the ability to read and write”. Surely the definition of literacy isn’t refrained to the bounds of this overly simplified definition. Do we not all know at least one person who’s ability to read and write is sufficient. Yet, despite our best efforts, we are unable to interpret a comment that was made, post that was shared, or argument that was supposed to be convincing. I believe that to be literate entails much more than that. Literacy is simply how one is able to adapt and interact efficiently with their environment. To be literate entails one's ability to communicate effectively, or to be able to express ideas and concepts. However being literate is also one's ability to …show more content…

One must understand who they are to grasp their core values, morals, and characteristics in order to decide what they will defend and what they will oppose in regards to activating with society. Which is an essential part of being literate. In simpler terms, literacy is simply how one is able to adapt and interact efficiently with their environment.
This definition of literacy which I have refined and refined, continues to evolve over the course of my lifetime and I learn and grow more as an individual. However, I have had a few experiences in my life that have impacted my definition of literacy sufficiently. In the summer of 2016, I went on an HEFY (Humanitarian Especially For Youth) trip to Lima, Peru. Unlike a majority of the group, my parents did not pay for my trip, and it took me nearly two years to scrape together the trip total of thirty five hundred dollars. I had high expectations, and hoped to soak in every moment I could. However, all of that changed when the trip took an unexpected