Literacy Development In Early Years

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This essay will firstly talk about early numeracy and pre-writing in early years. As part of this it will be discuss how early year’s educator can provide natural experiences within early years setting to promote an understanding and development of early numeracy and pre-writing skills in young children using example for my experiences on placement .Secondly it will discuss the issue of language and how the adults role in early years has change in response to language and communication also using example. And finally it will look at literacy and how the role of early years educator in promoting literacy development and how to devise a book using the children’s experience’s in bookmaking. The role of early childhood settings is to develop children’s …show more content…

Young children from three to five years of age use their hands to investigate and learn about the environment and themselves. Pre-writing skills are essential for a child to be able to develop the ability to hold and move a pencil easily and successfully and therefore produce readable writing. When these skills are underdeveloped it can lead to prevention and fight due to the child not being able to produce legible writing or keep up in class due to fatigue. This can then result in poor self-esteem and academic performance. It also important because writing in the early years’ service is important because it allows for the integration of emergent literacy and language skills. The role of the early years is to give children plenty of opportunity to develop skills which are vital for writing, fine motor skills, hand-eye co-ordination and manipulative skills Children need to receive and coordinate correct information when developing pre-writing skills. Here are some suggestions to help children to develop their pre writing skills. Things like table top activities, teach new skills, show your child how it's done, repeat the movements over and over again, and provide some physical direction so they can feel how to perform the necessary movements. Play and draw on vertical surfaces also help with their …show more content…

Moreover, they regulate their style of talking to fit the infant’s stage of development. This type of baby talk is termed parentese. Parentese is higher in pitch, simpler in vocabulary, and shorter in sentence length. The role of parents and other adults in language development is critical. Most people believe that language development begins when a child starts to talk which is around one year of age but the influence of a parent and adult on language development happens a lot earlier but is not true because it happened it the womb because the mother talk to the baby while they growing inside the mother Parents and other caregivers must start by using appropriate language and responding to children’s use of language in the proper way if language development is to progress in a healthy manner. By supporting them in this role, we reap significant dividends throughout a child’s entire scholastic career .Children learn language by listening to speech in the world around them. Every time you speak to your child, you are modelling language and the rule system that makes up the language. Spending time with your child, playing and talking with him will help encourage and facilitate his language