
Analysis Of John Green's Turtles All The Way Down

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Despite the relative ease of a modern American’s life when compared literally any other point in history, there is a striking increase in anxiety over the past decade. In 1986, 14% of college freshmen reported anxious symptoms, but this past year it jumped to 41% (Denizet-Lewis). John Green, the author of Turtles All the Way Down, shares in this struggle and personally relates to the many young adults who suffer from this condition. This novel, despite many differences, holds a near autobiographical nature of its author as he inscribes his symptoms and difficulties into the main character, Aza Holmes. Green’s rich depiction of the main protagonist and her internal conflict combines with a modern narrative structure to convey a universal theme that speak to today’s generation. After the success of the Fault in Our Stars, Green suffered from especially crippling anxiety as he feared that he would never be able to match its success. When reflecting on that period of time, Green remarked, “I felt like there were people watching over my shoulder and that made it impossible for a long time . . . I just had a period of bad mental health, which happens sometimes” …show more content…

Green expertly, and realistically, portrays the difficulties of “white and middle-class suburban” teenagers in his texts: Looking for Alaska, The Fault in Our Stars, and Paper Towns (Alexander). Turtles is no different, and this demographic is an easy one to look over, especially in a time period when their “privilege” suggests that they walk a path of little resistance. All types of people are struggling to find their place while coping with uncertainties and insecurities - especially those with mental illness on top of it all. Green, like so many know what it’s like to feel all alone in high school (McCluskey). This work hopefully allows more insight into the human condition and help those figuring out their place in this complicated

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