Let America Be America Again By Langston Hughes

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In the poem "Let America Be America Again," Langston Hughes paints a vivid word picture of a depressed America in the 1930's. In this poetic expression, a speaker is allowed to say what he wants for America to be America, what is that we don't have that high gas prices. I think that I would change, that people who aren't working should not get any money from the state, freedom is a privilege instead of the state giving it for free. My brother is epileptic and he works so how come everybody in the world wants something for free. I learned over two years that everything is the same in Germany as in America sure we speak different we have different opinions about something, but we are still the person who we want to be is our decision about how we want to live our lives. I don't think my vision is that we all start slavery again what I mean is we should respect each other the same way, because we all have dreams and should we judge somebody on their skin color no. We need to be friendly and have joy in live for the sake of the future I hope we can do something about racism. In my second paragraph I would like to talk about war what did people do with friendship and helping other countries for what to win a war, for what so in ten years another one can come, and another war …show more content…

All my life I wasted my time never studying never being able to enjoy school but I have learned one thing if you want something you have to work for it in my paper I was talking about the racism in my city and the racism in my country is strong around here but we always look on the inside on people because that is the way I have chosen my friends. If a person looks different it does not mean that the person's character is different too. Military is used to help but who are they helping the good people or the bad, no one can answer that because you only know who your helping by looking how they treat their