Literature Review: Fixing Health Care From The Inside And Out

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What will comprise my literature review? In my literature review I have decided to pull from a few different sources to approach my main situational issue. One of my main sources I decided to pull from was the book “Fixing Health Care from the Inside & Out” (Harvard Business Review, 2011). In this book it talks about the issues what health care facilities face with utilizing the same standard or language when it comes health care results (Harvard Business Review, 2011). One example in the text indicated how coming to a common standard of evaluating infections could increase better patient outcomes (Harvard Business Review, 2011). My second source I will be pulling from is the Forbes article “The Battle Of The Narrative: How Ordinary Americans Can Fight ObamaCare” (Hsieh, 2012). One of the main elements in my final …show more content…

By doing this, the community can help shift the narrative and thus public opinion (Hsieh, 2012). My third source I decided to pull from is “Ben Carson cites alternative to Obamacare at National Prayer Breakfast” (IFAwebnews Staff, 2013). This article goes into how Dr. Ben Carson describes that we as a nation spend a lot of money on health care but with not the most effectual results (IFAwebnews Staff, 2013). He went on to state how someone can be given a healthcare savings account when they are born (IFAwebnews Staff, 2013). He went on to say how that these health care savings accounts can be funded with before tax dollars (IFAwebnews Staff, 2013). In the article, Dr. Ben Carson made the statement that this model of the health care savings gives the individual power in their health care choice as opposed to the government (IFAwebnews Staff,

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