Negative Effects Of Obamacare

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In 2001 to 2017, several events occurred causing many dissensions nationwide, dividing the United States into many conflicting groups. The events of 9/11, the Obergefell v. Hodges case, and the repealment of Obamacare exposed divisions in American through pro-war and anti-war groups, constitutional rights versus the people and the state rights, and those in favor of obamacare and those who oppose. These divisions are shown and represented through our nation’s leaders, such as senators and presidents. The attacks that took place on September 11th, 2001, caused much controversy throughout the nation. After radical Islamists hijacked some planes and endangered the lives of many people, the nation divided on whether or not America should go to …show more content…

The current president Donald Trump and former president Barack Obama are the two main representatives of these two sides. ObamaCare is the name of the nation’s Affordable Care Act and has impacted the health care system. Donald Trump and his supporters of repealing ObamaCare believe that this impact is negative. He stated in one of his tweets, “ObamaCare is torturing the American People. The Democrats have fooled the people long enough. Repeal or Repeal & Replace! I have pen in hand”(D1). This tweet, along with several others on the topic show the strong stance that Trump has on repealing ObamaCare. He believes that it is disastrous and does has no benefit to American’s whatsoever, however, Obama and his supporters would argue the contrary. Obamacare has indeed benefitted America rather than harming it. On Obama’s twitter he posted a factual visual that claims, “Repealing Obamacare would increase the number of uninsured Americans by 2 million and the federal deficit by $353 billion”(D2). He then stated, “More than 60 attempts later, and Congress is still wasting time and money trying to repeal or dismantle #Obamacare”(D2). This proves why Obama believes that ObamaCare is advantageous and helps support millions of people nationwide. He also expresses that Congress is only doing harm in trying to get rid of it because it is wasting money and time that could be used for focusing on other topics of concern in the USA. ObamaCare is yet another concern that created conflicting opinions in the

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