
Pros And Cons Of Obama Care

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ObamaCare is the Affordable Care Act that millions of people seek to have for their medical insurance. ObamaCare is also called the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act but in short form it is also called the health care system of the health insurance industry. This gave Americans more protections and rights that expanded all over the nation for most of the uninsured Americans. It was given to ten millions of uninsured Americans and does not change a way to add to other insurance. The key points mandate all individuals without the healthcare coverage and if they wanted to purchase insurance with penalties by 2016 and the charge will be $695 a year or 2.5 percent in each household income of the low income recipient (http://www.hospitalimpact.org). …show more content…

This market place allows for competition and transparency by allowing consumers to review plans side by side and compete for customer services. These plans have expanded preventative health care services and benefits. The ten essential health benefits which must be included in all plans are services like prescription drugs, emergency room services, ambulatory, hospitalization, and maternity, mental health, rehabilitation, and laboratory, pediatric and preventative services. The purpose of the Affordable Care Act was to expand needed service to all Americans who had no insurance or who where under insured. It wanted to fix problems with fee for service programs and make pay for performance reforms to increase efficiency. To do this, they implemented an electronic medical records system to keep facilities networks connected and avoid duplicate testing and waste. It tries to keep records on best practices in the health care industry to maintain standards and improve health. The Affordable Care Act has a major focus on preventive medicine and care (Obama Care Summary

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