Persuasive Essay On Obamacare

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Obamacare should be accepted by all Americans because this Act was created to help American people afford and access health care services easily. Proponents argue that this act favors millions of insured and uninsured American citizens by providing better medical care. This Act protects American people against unfair premium increases and holds insurance companies responsible and help American people keep their costs down on health insurance. It does not allow insurance companies to deny any health coverage to the following Americans with previous health conditions.
This Act is a great tremendous step towards universal health care, it provides people with better medical care. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 25 states:
Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social …show more content…

Before this Act, a lot of people went without preventive care because of financial obstacles. Obamacare makes preventive care more affordable and easily assessable by requiring health plans to offer a wide array of in-network preventive services and treatments for American people, with no out of pocket costs to the person, such as copayment, co-insurance or need to meet a deductible. This a great benefit for American people and it’s making a great difference in the society. Obamacare recognizes the right of everyone and providing better medical care to its citizens it’s an essential. According to CDC, opportunities for prevention affects all Americans. Preventive health care is one example of ways American can stay healthy and be aware of the things that is going on with their health and keep diseases that is already there from becoming worse. For example, this services includes support for breastfeeding equipment, counseling, domestic violence screening and well-woman