Obamacare Needs To Be Repealed Essay

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Obamacare Needs To Be Repealed As of March 23, 2010, the Affordable Care Act has been the new healthcare reform when it was signed into law by President Obama, and was being slowly implemented until February of 2015, when the law was completely intact. The law itself has been questioned by many, because it is well known that the law was not well read by those in Congress. According to Nancy Pelosi, Congress needed to pass the law before they could see what was in it. Over the past couple years, the law has been interpreted, and many see it as a big negative and a huge cost to the American taxpayer, and to others currently paying for insurance. Employees are being laid off or have had hours reduced, tax rates have increased, insurance rates and deductibles have increased, and above all the law is unconstitutional because people are now forced to purchase …show more content…

Although it was signed into law back in 2010, people had a deadline, which has changed twice, in which they were supposed to purchase a healthcare plan either on their own, or through healthcare.gov, which offers low rate insurance plans (obamacarefacts). The law was not totally in place until this past February, but people are still able to purchase healthcare through healthcare.gov. The law is very well rounded and it stands for a good cause. The people who cannot afford the healthcare really do like the idea of having reduced rates so those who cannot afford healthcare can now somewhat afford it at a reduced rate (sba.gov). Those not being able to be treated for injuries or illnesses now do not pay completely out of pocket, but are helped, and can be treated instead of having to deal with the issues they are having. It increases the amount of money circulating through hospitals because more patients feel confident enough to show up and know they are covered to receive

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