Obamacare Essay Outline

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The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which has been informally named Obamacare. This has caused a storm of protest and wave of annoyance in the United States. It was believed to have violated the constitutional rights of the American people. The law’s purpose is that all American citizens should be entitled to health care through health insurance. The law has been criticized, particularly for the fact that people were forced to buy the health insurance for the future. People believe it is a violation of an individual’s freedom to choose, and argue therefore that this act is illegal.
The history of the health industry dates back to 1912 back when Theodore Roosevelt tries to implement the Bull Moose platform system. Many other leaders …show more content…

The Bull Moose system was trying to implement health care for everyone. The bill failed for FDR felt it would take away from social security act. Roosevelt’s plan was to try and fix the minimum safety and health standard for workers and occupants. He made suggestions to have the Federal Control over the interstate and taxing powers and all of this failed. Truman tries to implement health care insurance by telling everyone that the funds would be funded by the government. It would be open to everyone and be given at a time of medical need. Next President Kennedy tries to bring in health care (Kenndycare) for the older generation or the aged (Medicare). Still trying to get Congress to see a need for passing bill ends up upsetting them by taking it public. Then Richard Nixon has a plan and approaches Congress with a “Comprehensive health insurance plan”. Nixon wanted to make sure that everyone had health care and was given an opportunity to have full productive life. Nixon was proposing to Congress due to the increase in …show more content…

They found it to be unconstitutional and violated our rights as citizens of United States. The PPACA was signed into law by President Barack Obama in March, 2010 and June, 2012 it was ruled that the law is consistent with the Constitution by the Supreme Court. This didn’t stick well with citizens being forced to pay for health care or pay a penalty. Then on top of paying the penalty the United States turns around and taxes you on it. Congress claims that it was intended for the individual’s that were mandated to pay for health care. They wanted them to pay not necessarily pay penalty. This brought up the issue back from 1765, regards to the Stamp Act. The Stamp Act was a direct tax that that the colonies had to pay when exchanging paper goods, enacted by King George 111. Purpose of this tax was to fund troops stationed in North America, this brought forth American Revolution. Obamacare has been a wakeup call to the citizens as well. President Obama claims that the individual mandate is not a tax increase. It is believed by the eye of the citizens that the Supreme Court took away our personal liberties and freedom. Chief Justice Roberts states; “Members of this Court are vested with the authority to interpret the law; we possess neither the expertise nor the prerogative to make policy judgments. Those decisions are entrusted to our Nations elected leaders, who can be thrown out

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