Persuasive Essay On Obama Care

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A significant issue in America today is the long debate on the American Healthcare system. One may hear about Obamacare and its repeal for a more conservative plan. Obamacare is meant to provide healthcare for every American citizen, while a more conservative plan is one with a free market for healthcare, letting the induvial choose if they want it or not. The main debate in American Healthcare is whether healthcare is a right or not; Obamacare and other plans like it are on the side of healthcare being a right, while a more conservative healthcare plan is on the side that healthcare is not a right, but a choice. This debate would have already been solved if America was a socialist economy, since under socialism healthcare would be provided to all citizens as it is a distribution of goods. …show more content…

Since one of America’s foundations is the idea of freedom, the idea of healthcare being a part of the free market sticks strongly with many Americans today. Another strong foundation that America was built on which many Americans still rally behind is the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights started out as ten Amendments that were the rights given to everyone under the title of American citizen. Throughout the existence of America, the American government has added more amendments, making a total of twenty-seven; each of which is a right which every American has. Even though there are twenty-seven Amendments, none of them state that healthcare is a right each American has. Healthcare in the current state of America is and should not be right that every citizen has due to the predominant capitalist economy and the lack of healthcare being stated as a right in the Bill of