Persuasive Essay On Obamacare

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Health care in the United States costs people more than it does the citizens of any of the other modernized country in the world. This means it is logical that the national government would make reforms to improve the situation for all people. However, in a country with a constitution granting freedom to the people, a plan such as Obamacare calls into question just how far the government is allowed to extend beyond these promised rights in in order to assist the people. The Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, was officially passed on March 23, 2010. Its purpose, as stated by the government, was to provide everyone in the nation with health care while at the same time lowering the cost and improving care quality. There were many dissenters from the beginning regarding its overstepping constitutional boundaries. Public opposition grew after it was put into action, and the online website created to apply crashed from the large-scaled usage along …show more content…

as well as many other families, the Affordable Care Act actually worsened their situation. The law forced the family to give up their insurance to purchase a plan from the government. Many of the these low income families can not afford to purchase one of the new plans or some may just choose not to. This, however, is not in their favor as uninsured people are required to pay an extra fee on their taxes. In the case of the family who was forced to give up their insurance, they qualified for Medicaid but wanted to see a doctor other than the one designated to them. To do this they would have to choose between accepting the assistance from Medicaid,“or a monthly premium increase of nearly $1,000,” (McConnell). This is another problem for the people as physicians chose whether to ally with the government program and its insurance companies or to stay with their previous companies. This limits patients’ access to only certain providers and greatly restricting their freedom of