Persuasive Essay On Obama Care

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hy does healthcare seem like it has gotten more expensive throughout the past 8 years? Is it simply inflation or could it be a different beast? Healthcare premiums have skyrocketed since the implementation of the Affordable Care Act in 2010. Ever since the requirement of medical insurance was forced into effect, Americans have struggled to pay these expensive premiums. A revision of the Affordable Care Act would create a more comfortable life for individuals and families because it would drive premiums down, remove a penalty for lack of coverage, and help employers expand their companies.
As the Affordable Care Act currently stands, there is a penalty fine for those that are not covered under a medical policy. This program is supposed to help low incomed households attain affordable health care, but fines them for choosing to not purchase a …show more content…

This causes affordability to dwindle and lack of certain coverages due to high costs. Obamacare subsidies is at the root of this dilemma. Families or individuals who do not purchase a healthcare plan through the Affordable Care Act bear the higher cost. Households that fall into certain monetary thresholds must pay more to receive less coverage. The subsidies available drive the cost down for those who do opt for Obamacare. Most Small insurance companies cannot compete on a market where the government assistance is in play. This forces insurance companies to increase their costs or shutdown. These companies that are supplying decent cost insurance with not subsidies just simply can’t make overhead when compared to Obamacare. One might ask “why doesn’t everyone just get Obamacare then?”. The answer to this is because the coverage isn’t the same across the board between competing companies. If the Affordable Care Act were to be rewritten to remove the necessity of having healthcare, the cost of a well-rounded healthcare plan would drop, and create more accessibility for