Should Americans Have Access To Free Healthcare Essay

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I had access to healthcare growing up and as time went on, it got cut off when I turned nineteen. What a bummer right? I know that I am not the only one struggling with having no healthcare but others out there as well. Americans that don’t have access to healthcare don’t bother going to the doctor’s office because they’re afraid of the expenses that they will struggle to pay off so they would rather put their health aside. I believe Americans should have free access to healthcare because everyone has a right to their well-being and not having to worry about the expenses. I think that Americans would be better off having free healthcare because it will be a better place without having to worry about health costs. There are many benefits when it comes to free healthcare. People having access to free healthcare would be more motivated to go visit the doctor’s office more often than they would usually go before having free healthcare. Aside from people being more motivated taking trips to the doctor’s office, it could also save more lives. I think diseases and other health issues would get treated early on before it progresses into something life threatening. Medical workers would be able to focus more on a patient that they are treating, rather than focusing on if they have …show more content…

They say that it’s not really “free” because nothing is free in the world and someone has to pay for everything no matter what. They’re worried about taxes being raised if there’s free healthcare. Those who disagree says that there would be more time waited for treatment and it could lead to poor quality treatment. I think those are some good points but, we already pay taxes. If the government raise taxes, it is going towards our health at least. I think it’s a doctor’s job to care for a patient to their fullest so there shouldn’t be an excuse for a poor-quality treatment to each individual