As A Social Good: Religious Values And American Democracy By David Craig

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The book we are reviewing is Health care as a social good: Religious Values and American Democracy by David Craig. The main theme of this book focuses on health care values in the views of citizens, religious perspective, and politics. By all means the author is focusing on health care reform in these chapters and how it affects each social class in America. For everyone health care is vital and as you get older it is an important factor in what you do. However, I was torn between whether health care in regard to conservatives is a private choice and liberals believe it is a right. What I firmly believe after reading this book is that health care should be a right that way everyone can receive it and benefit from it.
The next portion concentrated on moral languages of US health care is viewed as: a private benefit, public right, and a private choice (Craig 8). The thing is there is no public right to health care in the US and that is why I believe it should be a right. The private benefits people receive for their health care come from employers and Medicare. Public right and private choice in moral languages is linked with personal responsibility putting it on the individual. Ultimately, the decision for how people see health care reform is in the economics and that is what people value. …show more content…

This was a mandate that most Americans obtain health coverage for themselves and their families reflects two social realities (Craig 113). The two realities are the compassion and solidarity backstop values and building health care for maintaining an array of remarkable health care options. The mandate was questioned because it was if the federal government can mandate the purchase of health insurance. It reached the point where the decision was made in the supreme court which made it up to the states and the people to decide whether to buy insurance or