Why Is Universal Healthcare Good For America

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The current debate concerning the implementation of universal healthcare in America is hard to understand because it is comprised most of practical arguments of concern for the motives behind the project. Before one asks how much it will cost, how it will be organized, or whether “the uninsured” will benefit, they should ask whether implementing universal healthcare is best for keeping with the values and principles of the American way. In other words, is universal healthcare good for America? Universal healthcare is not good for America. In America, universal healthcare would diminish principles important to the functioning of society; specifically, it would diminish individual liberty, free enterprise and free markets, and the right to life. In as much as the government bureau mandated by universal healthcare makes decisions concerning the health ways and medical treatment of individual Americans, it diminishes individual liberty. The purpose of …show more content…

In free markets, personal liberty provides two important things. First, it allows people to choose the services they think are best. Second, it empowers entrepreneurs to solve problems and meet needs medical related or not. Universal healthcare would make entrepreneurs unable to meet the medical needs of their neighbors. Within free markets, competition serves as a mechanism to improve good ideas while removing poor ideas. Competition would be eliminated in a system of universal healthcare where the government could not fail and other competitors, which could fail, would not be able to compete. In stating universal healthcare would effectively remove free market influence from 1/6th of America’s economy; a large segment of our free market economy would no longer be free. If 1/6th of a system is no longer functioning as designed, how can we reasonably expect that the entire system will remain