
Affordable Care Act Pros And Cons

990 Words4 Pages

Affordable Care Act The issue of Health care reform and the future sustainability of our health care system— for those in public programs, those with employer-sponsored coverage, or those who continue to be uninsured— is one of the most controversial and complex moral and fiscal public policy problems we face as a nation.
The Affordable care act limits patient choice through expansive federal regulation of the insurance market, government interference in the decisions patients make with their doctors and increased dependence on government health programs. The ACA is becoming unaffordable for many individuals. Some of the rising expenses include increasing deductibles to compensate for the cost sharing fees, the rising price of the insurance, and the limited doctors that accept the limited insurance. ACA increased taxes on individuals and business to compensate for Obamacare in order to regulate government spending.
Taxes and the Affordable Care Act …show more content…

First, tax revenues throughout the law help mitigate the cost of the coverage expansion through the health insurance exchanges and Medicaid expansion. Second, the individual mandate requires individuals to purchase coverage with some exceptions or face a penalty. ACA included a number of taxes and fees, mainly on the health care industry, but also on some individuals, in order to help offset the cost of the ACA’s coverage expansion and even to reduce the deficit. The law includes approximately fifteen changes in tax policies. There are new tax laws and fees that are affecting insurance companies, pharmaceutical manufacturers, and medical device manufacturers. Individuals can also be highly impacted if they are high

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