Obamacare Pros And Cons

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ObamaCare, or the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a health care reform law introduced by President Barack Obama. The ACA expands and improves access to care for Americans by making health insurance more affordable and regulating the health care spending in the country. ObamaCare offers Americans many benefits, rights, and protections regarding their healthcare, improves Medicare, and expands employer coverage. Democrats really like the idea of Obamacare, they have been wanting quality, affordable healthcare that is available to all Americans. Democrats have fought for decades so that Americans can have basic security in regards to healthcare. Their goal has been for every American to be able to get health care, which has not been possible in the …show more content…

Some people believe that taxes should be lowered, the money that the people make should go directly to them. Others believe that taxes should be raised in order to help other people. Others also believe that people that make more money should pay more taxes and people that make less money should pay less taxes. The Republican Party believes that taxes should be lowered for all. The taxes that would be taken out would go to the necessities of the government, like enforcing contracts, maintaining national security, and protecting the citizens against criminals. The Republican Party believes that the money that the people would save with taxes should be used to invest and be saved into a stronger future for themselves. The Democratic Party believes in raising taxes to provide for government spending, which then benefits and generates business. The Democratic party also calls for a tax cut to the middle class, so that they can focus their spending on other …show more content…

The country has a constant flow of immigrants, both legal and illegal, and the different parties tend to very highly disagree on what to do about these people. The Democratic Party’s views on the topic of immigration are based on the idea that the United States itself is a country of immigrants. They believe that immigrants should be supported in the United States. They believe that there should be a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, especially ones that have been in the country for a long time. They want to reform the current immigration laws to give everyone a chance to a good life in the United States. The Republican Party, however, typically isn’t so open to the idea of immigration. The Republicans believe that immigration needs to surround the idea of national security. They believe that the security within the country is the first priority when dealing with immigration. That may mean tightening some of the current immigration laws. Many Republicans are completely fine with legal immigrants but do not agree with illegal immigrants. Republicans believe that illegal immigrant should not get the same benefits as legal immigrants until they become