Differences And Similarities Between The Democrats And The Republican Party

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American Politics
Maria L. Hernandez
Professor Alan Cook
APRIL 19, 2016

Maria L. Hernandez
Professor Alan Cook
APRIL 19, 2016
American Politics
The two major political parties of the United States are the Democrats and the Republicans. There are also third parties such as the Constitution party, the Green party, the Independent party, and the Libertarian party. The Democratic and the Republican Party constantly compete with each other trying to promote their political ideals and searching the means for maintaining their continued political leadership. The Democrats and the Republicans have several differences and similarities. For example, some of the similarities have been able to find agreements on …show more content…

The Republicans tend to be conservative on social issues. The Republican Party opposes gay marriage and promotes marriage being between a man and a woman. They are pro-life on abortion and promote the right of gun ownership. Republican’s favor personal responsibility and that individuals should be able to choose for themselves what they do and what they do not do if it doesn’t break existing laws. The Republicans opposed President Obama’s executive order that put an embargo on importing certain undocumented immigrants. Democrats are pro-choice and support gay marriage, but they strongly support strict gun control laws that limit ownership. Democrats have tended toward favoring legislation that restricts some freedoms based on community and social responsibility. When it comes to immigration, Democrats have an overall support in offering a pathway to citizenship to certain undocumented immigrants. Such as those who have no criminal record and has lived in the United States for five plus …show more content…

Honestly, it was really difficult to figure out what political party I was because I agree and disagree many things. I personally feel I am more of a Democrat than a Republican because the majority of the things I believe in is more Democratic than Republican. I’m against abortion and support gay marriage. Love is love and you just can't help it. I do support gun control and there should be a limit of ownership. I also believe in being able to help out immigrants and instead of deporting families deport felonies. Such as some undocumented immigrants should have background checks, no criminal record and have lived in the United States five plus years in order to stay in America. I do believe that government should run social programs such as welfare and food stamps for the ones in need. It should be more of a starter to help them out of poverty until they can be on their own. When it comes to the death penalty, it should depend on what they did. For example, when it comes to murder, I feel like if you murder somebody, it should be life for a life. When it comes to education, there are many grants and scholarships out there for education. I do believe tax cuts should be lowered, but I mostly believe that everyone, Ion all income levels should be taxed to make it