
Pros And Cons Of Obamacare

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If Obamacare wasn’t a failure then why is Donald Trump changing it? There are many reasons for Obamacare/ACA (Affordable Care Act) failing. Although there were some good things about Obamacare, the bad outweigh the good. these are just a few reasons of why it was not a success. The Affordable Care Act was a failure because it cost to much money to run, people take advantage and don’t use it the right way, and there aren’t as many people covered as predicted.
The ACA/Obamacare was signed into law to change healthcare in the U.S. by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010. The and upheld by the Supreme Court on June 28, 2012. ObamaCare's goal is to give more Americans access to affordable, quality health insurance. Also to reduce the growth in U.S. health care spending. The law expands and improves access to care and curbs spending through regulations and taxes. …show more content…

According to Kerry Close Obamacare is set to cost 110 billion in 2017. Why are we worrying about Obama Care when our Country is Trillions of dollars in debt. A big part of our population is homeless and unable to pay for stuff. It’s also estimated to cost 1.34 trillion in the next decade. The average cost will raise at least by 17%. Obama Care is supposed to help and support people. When people can't afford this care how is it helping them. Something that keeps going up in price isn't something that helps people. Trump’s new plan will cut down cost of healthcare making it better for

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