Literature Review On Human Rights

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Literature Review
Since the ratification of the Universal Human rights Declaration (Paris, December 10th, 1948) understanding of the Human Rights has developed dramatically and shaped the political reality of many states. And as long as the society understood the role and function of human rights, they begun practice it domestically and internationally. However, the beginning of practice lead to many disputes such as role of human rights, whether states are responsible, the influence of powerful states, role of institutions, legitimacy of the intervention as well as comparability of human rights international agreements with domestic legislation. Each of them will be analyzed in turn.
The definition of human rights has been developed by Beitz, as a public normative practice of global scope whose central concern is to protect individuals against the consequences of certain actions and omissions of their governments. (p. 14) According to him, human rights have to be defined as international standards for the governments of states, whose breach is a matter of international concern. It is necessary to outline, that he adds to human rights agency international, non-governmental organizations, individuals, institutions. Unfortunately, today UHRD, main document regulating human rights issues possess only non-binding character. . (Beitz, 2009) This concern has been also shared by Buchanan(2010), however he seems to be more optimistic to the role of human rights practice in