Nahal Zamani: The Human Impact

811 Words4 Pages

Name: Bisi Alade
Date: November 25th, 2015
Article 1

Nahal Zamani. “The Human Impact.” (July 2012): 1-33. Web Center for Constitutional Right is a non-profit legal advocacy organization, affiliated with New York City, around for 49 years; co-founded in 1966 by William Kunstler.

Nahal Zamani led the research effort, conducted and compiled the interview, nurtured community connections, and wrote the first draft of the report. Nahal Zamani is an Advocacy Program Manager at the Center for Constitutional Rights, where she directs CCR’s advocacy and campaigns challenging the NYPD’s abusive stop and frisk practices and other discriminatory policing practices, …show more content…

This research showcases and supports my thesis. The methods used in this article provides a framework for readers to think and look beyond what they are blinded to in society. The articles helps my thesis to show that stop and frisk is unlawful and unjustified and has affected the daily lives of innocent people. For this article to be strong in my research paper I will need a counter argument so my research is not biased and emotional.
“In our landmark, class-action lawsuit, CCR challenged the NYPD’s stop-and-frisk practices. The court found racial discrimination and 4th Amendment violations, ordering a reform process that includes input from affected communities”

Explanation of how people are affected:
A wide range of communities in our society have learned to live in fear of police and a generation of children of color have grown up in an environment where being mistreated by police is an expected part of daily life.

Description of occurrence while stop and frisk occurs:
Several interviewees reported that stops often result in excessive force by police, describing instances when officers slapped them, threw them up against walls or onto the ground, beat them up, used a Taser on them, or otherwise hurt them physically. Many of the testimonies CCR heard illustrate that this force is often used indiscriminately, or in response to being asked the reason for a stop or an …show more content…

I had bruises on my face. My whole face was swollen. I was sent to the precinct for disorderly conduct. I got out two days later. The charges were dismissed. At central booking, they threw out the charge. No charge. I felt like I couldn’t defend myself, didn’t know what to do. No witnesses there to see what was going on. I just wish someone was there to witness it. I felt like no one would believe me. I couldn’t tell anyone. I kept it in till now... I still am scared.

Definition of stop and frisk:
“Stop and frisk” is the police practice of temporarily detaining people on the street, questioning them, and possibly also frisking or searching them. Under the law, an officer may not stop a person without having a reasonable suspicion that the individual.

Persona used to target minorities:
The form lists several possible reasons for the stop that officers check off", including “Fits Description,” “Furtive Movements,” “Suspicious Bulge/Object,” “Wearing Clothes/Disguises Commonly Used in Commission of Crime,” “Sights and Sounds of Criminal Activity,” and “Area Has High Incidence of Reported O"ense of Type Under Investigation” (high-crime area).

Information gathered stating how there is injustice with this statue: “In a historic ruling on August 12, 2013, following a nine-week trial, a federal judge found the New York City Police Department liable for a pattern and practice of racial profiling and unconstitutional

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