Literature Review On Service Quality

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CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction This chapter examines previous research work and information related to the this study and this chapter will define the key terms of the research such as service quality, servqual model, and customer satisfaction according to the past literature. It then concludes with a chapter summary. 2.2 Service Quality The term “service quality” can be used to denote different concepts. Johnston define the service quality as how an organization treats it 's customers. And he further express that how organization will act to satisfy their customers requirements and their needs and wants as well as how well the service will be delivered to customers to couple with customers expectation level of service. Moreover Johnston expressed that service quality is the thoughtfulness of various related elements. Those are customer satisfaction, quality of the service that organization is delivered and the customer’s feelings about the organization 's service ( Johnston & Clark, 2005 ). Cronin define the service quality as the final results of the evaluation done by the customer about the service they received from the organization. This evaluation based on the difference between their perceptions of service received and customer’s previous experience on service delivery. Cronin also suggest that service quality has significant relation with customer satisfaction ( Cronin & Taylor, 1992). Caruna describes the