Assessment Task 2: Project: Customer Service Requirement: Assignment

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Assessment Task 2: Project Customer Service Improvement
Part A: Develop and send an agenda prior to the meeting
In order to prepare the agenda you will need to plan the meeting, as well as conduct the research as indicated above to inform your ideas. Use the agenda template includes below to develop your agenda. You will assessed on whether you have included all the required information in your agenda, as well as whether you have used simple and clear language that takes into account social and cultural diversity.
Once you have developed your agenda, email it to the team members involved in the team meeting. Your agenda needs to be provided at least three (3) days prior to your …show more content…

• Customer service are not friendly at times


Customer service improvement:
To inform ideas about customer service, you should also conduct research on features of excellent customer service


Feedback from staffs on how customer service can be improved


Identifying training need

Part B : Conduct the meeting about 20-30 minutes

The purpose of the meeting

Customer service improvement need to provide knowledge to staffs for understand who customers are and what they want.

Seek Feedback on ideas and ask staff members about training requirements surveys.

Surveys are one of the primary vehicles for collecting the information businesses need. Done right, survey need to train of employees. Generate insight about employees, they can strategy and generate marketing, customer service, and communications plans.

Listening and active

Cricket Equip.’s staffs need to improve the required skill of listening from the customer such as customer informed, confirmed, complaint etc.

Conduct presentation
Use PowerPoint for presentation customer service improvement and how to provide training feedback from