Servqual Model In E-Banking

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2.1 Introduction
In this chapter, there will be a converse about the service quality theory and its importance and also, a relation of service quality to other quality concepts such as product and image quality. The perception will be measured and summarizes a variety of models for service quality and therefore introduces the SERVQUAL model in particular. A discussion about its qualities and gaps, in what circumstances sculpt has been used. There is also the concept of customer satisfaction and how it is been related service quality.

Furthermore, we will introduce an empirical context by measuring the importance why it is of meticulous awareness to study service quality and customer satisfaction in E-banking …show more content…

These models are based on research that has been done by frequent value researchers (Zeithaml, 1998:12; Woodruff, 1997:143; Ravald & Grönroos, 1996:24; Monroe, 1991:17). Customer benefits include tangible and intangible features of the product or service, and the sacrifice component includes monetary and non-monetary factors such as time and effort. Zeithaml (1998: 12) identifies the following four types of customer definitions of value, namely a lower price (focus on sacrifice), what the customer wanted from a product or service (focus on benefits), the quality obtained from the price paid (trade-off between sacrifice and benefit), and the total benefit obtained from the total sacrifice made (Elmaire, …show more content…

Various researchers came up with several definitions of customer satisfaction. For instance, Davis and Heineke(1998) explain that customer satisfaction can be defined in two ways : satisfaction as a function of disconfirmation and satisfaction can be expressed on terms of disconfirmation which further argued about the differences between customer perceptions and expectations. Likewise, in Pizan and Ellis’s (1999) study it argues that satisfaction is due to verification of consumer satisfaction.

Customer satisfaction can be described by Lombard, M.R. (2009) as the quantity where the routine of a business’s product or service is similar to the anticipation of the customer. Also customers have different needs, objectives and past experiences in the service industry which influence their expectation.

In short, customer satisfaction is often used as a display of weather customer will return to the service industry. Thus, importance should be laid that once customers have arrived, it is essential to provide him exceptional customer service experiences. As a result, extremely satisfied customers extend optimistic word of mouth which leads to a successful walking, talking and advertisements for the service