
Little John Monologue

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Little John was born to a poor family in the state of Mississippi in the 1840’s in a town that is near the Mississippi River. They decided to call him Little John because he was a bit scrawny when he was born. The doctor said that he wouldn’t live for two weeks, but he surprised everyone because he did live for two weeks, and lived alot longer. Even as he was growing up, he was a head taller than anyone his age.
His family had to gather roots, fish, and garden herbs (yarrow, chives, basil, common sage, ect.) to eat and sell so they can buy the material for their clothes, and other supplies that they could not find in the wild easily. Even when he was young he had a strong curiosity about everything, and had a lot of stamina. He would spend …show more content…

That’s why I wasn’t scared by that bear. I recognized the scar on Green Meadows face. That’s his name isn’t it?” asked Little John.
“Yes that is his name. You have a very good memory Pequeño John. His Spanish name for Little John.”
“Chief we will travel with you. When do we head out?” asked John.
“In two days we will move out.” said the chief
Therefore they waited and traveled with the chief and arrived at Oakenville in 3 days. When they arrived they found out that Little John was given up for dead, but because he arrived home safely they had a huge festival.
50 years later Little John’s friends including John, Caleb, and Douglas decided to build a park in honor of their journey, and in honor of Little John because he was heading downhill fast. They completed the park before Little John died. He went to see it as soon as it was finished. Then he laid down for the last time and slept forever with a smile on his face knowing that he had some very good times with his friends.
Nowadays the Hidden Falls Regional Park is still in the same place. People still go there every day to see the beauty that the park holds inside of it, and to get away from the hassles of life and to experience a natural place in the

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