How Can Little Red Riding Hood Create A Change In Society And Culture Change

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Fairytales have long been modified, changed, and reconditioned, and likewise acquire a history covering hundreds of years. Fairytales have focused on cultural properties of human life from their very creation in verbal form to their documentation as written stories in more modern times. In particular, “Little Red Riding Hood” has been exposed to many revisions over time. These alterations reflect both changes in projected audience and social and cultural concepts of its certain era. “The Story of Grandmother” effectively teaches the dangers of strangers through sexuality, violence, and gender; however, “Little Red Cap”, “Little Red Riding Hood,” and “Lon Po Po” lack essential qualities to demonstrate the lesson.
“The Story of Grandmother” …show more content…

One obvious form of violence in this story is when the wolf killed the granny. Apart from other forms, the wolf promotes cannibalism in this tale. The audience becomes aware of the cannibalism when the wolf “put some of her flesh in the pantry and a bottle of her blood on the shelf.” (Tartar 369) “The Story of Grandmother” also shows that violence is not the key to revenge. Once the children trick the wolf and escape unharmed the story is complete and the child does not seek revenge. Kerby Anderson, author of “Violence in Society,” states, “A child’s exposure to violence is pervasive. Children see violence in their schools, their neighborhoods, and their homes. The daily news is rife with reports of child molestations and abductions. War in foreign lands along with daily reports of murder, rape, and robberies also heighten a child’s perception of potential violence” (Anderson n.p.) Violence in this tale is extremely important because of the changing behavior in society. Violence has always been a factor of life; this tale delivers an important look at violence not only in today’s society but also throughout history. “The Story of Grandmother” is vastly significant because Louis and François Briffault use it to express the world’s history of violence in a fictional yet realistic …show more content…

However, “The Story of Grandmother” is the most efficient way to teach children not to trust strangers. “The Story of Grandmother” shows the reality of sexuality, violence and gender to children, while “Little Red Cap,” “Little Red Riding Hood,” and “Lon Po Po” conceals these three themes so only adults can analyze the deeper meaning. “The Story of Grandmother” openly expresses the three themes, which allows children to view the true side of what strangers can do. It is important to be blunt with the situation, such as trusting strangers, because children cannot fully understand the dangers without being truly aware. Once children realize the horrific things the wolf has done to Grandmother and Red Riding Hood in “The Story of Grandmother,” they will be more conscious of how to react to a