
Little Red Riding Hood Research Paper

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Fairy tales have changed over the years and have changed people’s lives, but “Little Red Riding Hood” targets young children to stay safe. Fairy tale’s goal is to teach lessons to young children. The tales keep children developing bad habits and doing bad things to others or to themselves. One of the main themes of one of the fairy tales a girl disobeys her parents. Fairy tales have influenced many people’s lives. These fairy tales even can change the lives of older and more mature people. In the tale Little Red Riding Hood symbolism and moral are important to note because they influence people’s lives.
Brothers Grim have written many and changed many tales. The Grim Brothers have Brothers Grim wrote “Little Red Riding Hood” in 1905, Germany. …show more content…

The tale begins with “Little Red Riding Hood” is sent by her mother to feed her ill grandmother. Little Red brings her cake and wine, along the path she meets a wolf. The wolf greets her and asks where she is going. The wolf tells her to go look around and admire the flowers, while Little Red does this the wolf uses this time wisely and goes and finds her grandma’s house. The wolf arrives at grandmas, but she thinks it’s her granddaughter Little Red Riding Hood. Without any moment to realize who it was she swallowed whole by the wolf. When Little Red arrives at her grandma’s house, she realizes her grandma looks hairier and different from before, without any moment to realize she is swallowed by the big bad wolf too. A lone huntsman walks by and hears grandma’s loud snoring, but it was rather strange that grandma could snore that loud. The huntsman goes in the house he realizes it’s the wolf. He quickly finds some scissors to cut the wolf’s stomach with scissors. Miraculously grandma and Little Red were still in the same piece. Little Red finally realizes she should not disobey her parents. The fairy tale is representing that young children shouldn’t talk to strangers. “Little Red Riding Hood” disobeyed her parents by going off the path and wandering off. The effect of Little Red wandering off was she was later swallowed by the

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