
Little Rock Nine Chapter Summary

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The Little Rock 9- Information Literacy and Research Analysis The 2014 iRead book Eyes on the Prize discusses a time period of change in American history. It allows the reader to understand the Civil Right Movement along with information literacy. This book allows every reader to understand the process of research and realize the importance of information. As I read this book I concluded the understanding of the Civil Rights Movement, the research of the Little Rock Nine Crisis and the importance of Information Literacy. As I discuss these points you will began to understand the reason of the iRead book Eyes on the Prize.
In the book Eyes on the Prize there are numerous events and people brought up that dealt with the America’s Civil Rights …show more content…

The most meaningful and interesting chapter that I read in this impeccable book was chapter four. This chapter discussed the Little Rock Nine and their sacrifices for their education. I found this chapter meaningful because I have respected and held education to a high level in my values and beliefs. I would not know how to comprehend not being able to learn and be inspired by education. Nevertheless, chapter four in the book Eyes on the Prize was the most inspiration and relatable chapter for me. Furthermore, I would highly recommend this book to any reader that wants to learn more about the Civil Rights Movement. I also who recommend any teacher who will or has taught about this historic time period to read this book and use it as a teaching tool in their classroom. I believe this book has more of a personal level on this topic than any other film or book that relates to this time period that I have used or seen …show more content…

The importance of information literacy in the 21st century is help understand the education and knowledge that surrounds us. Without this skill we would not have the knowledge we have today and without that we would not be who we are today as humans. We would not have been able to make the discoveries that we have today without information literacy. Information literacy allows everyone to research and understand a topic on and above the surface level. It also allows people to create a world of knowledge that uses the past understandings and relates it to the present or the future educational system. Furthermore, without information literacy we would not even have an education system that we have

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