Little Round Top Research Paper

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lack of knowledge of the positioning of the federal forces caused Confederate Lieutenant General James Longstreet men to essentially over flank the Union and left them headed towards Little Round Top and Big Round Top. Little and Big round top where the southern most parts of the battlefield and place that held great significance. Making and executive call Brigadier General Gouverneur K. Warren in quick fashion moved his troops to the top of the two hills to repel Longstreet Confederate troops. Doing this however also left Union troops in the middle of the confederate forces to fight. Many spots on the battlefield that day were made famous for the massive amount of casualties that occurred. The peach orchard, wheat field and devils den where three of those famous spots. All of them …show more content…

However the fighting came to an end for the day after nightfall became imminent and it was to challenging for the troops to see. At the end of the second day the Confederates were tasting victory, even though there original plan did not seem to come together they still almost broke Union lines. The Union and Confederates together with less than seven hours of battle yielded a staggering 19,000 casualties. To put this in greater perspective the U.S has been in the middle east for over 10 years and has not even lost close the amount of men they lost in seven hours on July 2nd 1863. On what we now know was to be the final day of battle General Robert E. Lee of the Confederates was pleased with the past two days of fighting. He wanted to continue his attack on the Union flanks but also wanted to once and for all break the Union line. Due to the lack of technology that allowed for easy communication the Confederate troops didn’t move forward as planned which made General Lee reconfigure his attack on the