Living In Front Of Cue's Analysis

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Living in front of the Cue’s

America prides itself as being a literate country, with public schools being bountiful an easily accessed. As with most Americans I held myself in high regards in believing that I was literate. I could read, I was able to write, and able to verbally communicate with those around me from many different cultures. However I found that I was living in front of the three cues of syntactic, semantics, and graph phonemic, instead of living behind it. My literacy had no real direction and lacking a road map to follow. This I learned upon entering college and the embarrassment of realizing that in fact I was just considered a high functioning illiterate in academic settings.
Early development and adolescence Reading and writing were never promoted nor encouraged in my home as a child. My earliest recall of reading and writing came from the classroom. SRA’s (Skilled Reading Assessment) were the academic standard for learning reading and comprehension. The SRA’s were small folders that consisted of a story with a battery of questions to determine if you understood what you had just read. The folders were set up progressively, so that with each folder the challenge increased to help improve …show more content…

“You and Samuel Clemens are the opposite of each other. Whereas Clemens wrote with terrible grammar to show Toms and Hucks verbal skills, you write with a great command of the English language. “However, you talk like a southern hick.” He went on to explain that though my reading and writing skills were well established my verbal skills were severely impeded. And that to be taken serious I needed to work on speaking as well as I wrote. He then asked me about my major and minor. Biology and psychology I told him. He smiled and said as of tomorrow you will change two things. You will change to English and you will learn to speak as well as you