Living Sannely In An Insane Environment In Catch-22 By Joseph Heller

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In Catch-22 a common theme is that it is not possible to live sanely in an insane environment. Joseph Heller, the author, uses numerous examples of the main character, Yossarian, attempting to stay sane even though the people around him have lost their sanity. Because Yossarian tries to make sensible decisions, he is seen, by the others, to be a madman. An example would be when Yossarian would not wear his uniform and instead walked around in the nude. When Yossarian and Milo are talking, Millo inquires to why Yossarian is not wearing his uniform to which Yossarian replies “I don’t want to”. The men believe that Yossarian had officially lost his mind but in fact, Yossarian does not like what the uniform stands for. He had many of his friends had died and he sought to no longer deal with it. It seems that Yossarian is suffering from a case of paranoia due to the war. It is shown that the men in the squadron have gone insane because they become not able to live in an insane world, reinstantiating the idea that it is not possible to live sanely in an insane environment. Living in a place full of insanity, it is natural for one to follow the crowd in order to make do but for some, they are able to find logic in a place in which it does not seem to exist. Within the novel, Heller …show more content…

At a point in the novel, a medal is given to Yossarian due to actions that led to Kraft being killed because Yossarian’s superiors will not admit his mistake. A computer error causes Major Major to be promoted, and when he going to be promoted or demoted, the order is intercepted by Wintergreen and is prevented from going through. Clevinger, put simply, is intelligent which makes his superiors uncomfortable. The is an inquisition held against him, where charges are made up to level against him. In the novel, wrongdoing is met with rewards and being capable is punishable. In this place, justice is not just faulty, but instead is

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