Lizze Boarden Research Paper

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Trial of Lizze Boarden: Children’s Rhyme or Cold Blood Killer? August 2, 1893- Dr. Bowen says my father’s illness was progressing, he may only have a couple weeks. Need to move ahead of the timeline with my plan. Going to the apothecary later today and trying to get the acid. Only a couple drops in their dinner should make it look like they succumbed to our terrible water. August 3, 1893- The druggist rejected my request- had to make up a story about needing it for coat cleaning. Seems that I must change my plan quickly. Father could barely get out of bed today. Maybe I will visit Alice today and try to make a lie about how someone wants my father dead. I MUST get the inheritance. I cannot lose it to my father’s thieving wife or get caught. August …show more content…

They also said that Lizze claimed to have a good relationship with her parents so she wouldn't have had a motive to kill them. On June 20th, the jury sided with Lizze and acquitted her of the murders. The trial received a ton of media attention and a children’s rhyme was created. Lizze lived the rest of her life in River Falls, and her house was turned into a museum years after her death. The case of Lizze Borden proved that justice was not served. One reason why I believe that justice wasn’t served in Lizzie Borden’s case was because of many circumstances that lead to the only murder that would have been her. One piece of incriminating evidence was that on August 3, one day before the murders, Lizze was spotted trying to buy prussic acid. Prussic acid is a deadly poison whose symptoms can look like bad water poisoning. There are many suspicions that Lizzie may have been trying to poison her stepmother and father. It is the path of least resistance and less gory than a brutal axe murder. When she was denied she blamed it on needing it for cape cleaning, but then she most likely changed her plan. Another reason why Lizze was guilty was the fact that she never truly got along with her parents.