Lizzie Borden: The Murder Of Lizzie Borden

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In 2017, a documentary was released on a spotlighted woman, Lizzie Borden. She is know for taking a hatchet and killing her stepmother Abby Borden first with nine hits to the back of the skull then her father Andrew with five. Her biological mother Sarah Anthony Borden had passed away from being sickly in March 1863. Lizzie was known for being an odd, awkward child and teen, she got along rather well with animals so that is where she spent most of her time. When attending high school at Fall River she realized she wasn't very much of a scholar so she had withdrawn her junior year.

Andrew Borden was a bank president and was an extremely wealthy man although he didn't believe in flaunting his earnings. Emma and Lizzie’s father rarely gave …show more content…

During the visit she tried to purchase a poison called prussic acid. On August 4, 1892 the day of the murder, Lizzie and Abby were the only ones present besides the maid Bridget Sullivan. Shortly after Abby walked up the stairs to enter into her room she was never seen coming down. Mid afternoon Andrew had come home to the side door locked he then tries the front door but for some reason it will not take the key, the maid heard Mr. Borden at the front door so she kindly let him in. Before asking where Abby was he greeted his youngest daughter Lizzie, she had told him that Abby had just gone out to run errands for the day. While sitting in the parlor reading Andrew ends up falling asleep on the couch then soon after Lizzie came down to axe him. When she finished what she had done, she went back down stairs and screamed help to get the maids attention. August 6, 1982, the day of the funeral, the mayor of Fall River had to let her know Judge Josiah C. Blasedel has given her a subpoena because Lizzie Borden is a suspect for murder of her own parents. On the day of the crime Lizzie Borden wrote in her personal diary “...she was not my mother she was my …show more content…

Borden was transferred to Taunting, Massachusetts due to the fact that there were no female facilities in Fall River; she remained incarcerated there until her trial in June 1983. June fifth Lizzie appeared at her court date with her minister and pleaded not guilty. This statement took the police by shock, they tried vigorously to prove that she was guilty, during the trial police had even removed the bodies from the ground and decapitated their heads and brought them in so they could exam if the blade of the hatchet fit the whacks to the head. Since the bordens had such a wealthy name they grand jury wanted to quickly have the trial acquitted, it took the jury only 10 minutes to reach the conclusion. They stayed in the room for an hour so no one could find out they already had their minds made

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