Lola Stolen Morsel Alternate Ending

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Lola ignored Fallen's protest and happily ate her stolen morsel, the sweet sneaky move made it taste all the better. She nommed the steak down and looked up at him as she slowly licked her muzzle in satisfaction. The smile that came to his lips didn't hurt matters either. It was nice to see she could make someone happy again. And the fact that it wasn't simply because she had his cock in her mouth made her happy as well. Not that Fallen didn't smell good enough to enjoy. Lola could smell the animal within him, so buried and denied that it was a wonder that he hadn't lost it yet. There was definitely something pent up and starving within him. But Lola wasn't so sure if there was something she could really do about it. His next comment nearly made the little fox smile, a small yip of excitement and approval came from her as her tails whipped about gently in happiness, her teeth gently stealing the next piece of meat from Fallen's fingers. It was nice being a bit spoiled, she wasn't used to it. At least not beyond her past clients, but men were always nice when they were getting what they wanted. It made part of Lola wonder what Fallen could want, especially since he only saw her as a pesky little fox. …show more content…

Not only did it seem to make him happy, it was rather pleasant for her as well. It was indeed nice to be taken care of, especially after so many years of having to serve others. But that really wasn't why she was here, granted in truth she wasn't sure why she had followed. But Lola knew she needed to be there, if only to help him through whatever seemed to way so heavily on