Long Break Essay

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At school kids learn and flex their creative muscles, and in order to make the school year not feel like a chore there needs to be equal time to relax, so that they are not stressed or not interested in school. Long breaks need to stay in order for there to be a time where the kids can truly relaxed and not forced into a working situation immidiatly. It is a excellent feeling when there is no work over the break so it is not hanging over their heads to do it. Feeling overworked is not a pleasent feeling because you always feel that there is more to do and that there will never be a break with no work. After a long break, students also feel more energized and ready to learn, than feeling tired and loosing focus. The long break's survival is critical to the student's mind to feel lax and at a working, and peaceful state, and no short breaks that feel rushed. Week long breaks can be distracting to students as teachers give assignments over these breaks, which make the students stressed and come back even more on edge. Relaxing the most would be reserved for long breaks as it is a larger periods to do what they want. Every time a student will try to relax they will remember the work that they …show more content…

Relaxation will be given in long weekends and long breaks, so that the student can relax and are refreshed to come back to school. Less homework will allow students the ability to focus more on quizes or tests, which is essential as it counts more. Doing a bunch of things in one night is difficult and strains the students and they are less prepared for quizes and tests. Having longer school days will allow the students to interact with their teachers more and ask last minute questions if nessicary. The breaks and less work every night is essential for children's minds to be sharp and enjoy going to