Long-Term Research: How Culture Influences Personality

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Other than concentrating on cultural influences on a single trait, research also examined how culture generally influences personality. A long-term study involving women presented findings that personalities changed as individualism within the United States increased (Roberts, & Helson, 1997). A study involving university exchange students supported that even temporary alterations in surrounding culture could influence personality (Jang, & Kim, 2010). An improvement in cultural knowledge and identity when visiting countries affected most personality traits except for neuroticism (Jang, & Kim, 2010). European and American cultures were compared with Asian and African cultures as well, demonstrating that individualistic cultures were rated higher in extraversion, openness to experience and lower in agreeableness (Allik, & McCrae, 2004). It is also interesting to note that different cultures would impact how individuals perceived and rated their personalities. Ott-Holland, Huang, Ryan, Elizondo, and Wadlington …show more content…

Individualistic and collectivistic members had different perceptions of situations that were ideally conducive towards neuroticism (Church, Katigbak, & del Prado, 2010). There are gender differences in personality traits, but a study has shown that these differences vary across cultures as well (Costa, Terracciano, & McCrae, 2001). Results from the study indicated greater gender differences in personality traits from individualistic practices and values as compared to those from collectivistic cultures (Costa, Terracciano, & McCrae, 2001). As personality includes behaviour, male offenders of intimate partner violence (IPV) from two cultures were studied and it showed violent behaviour to be more prevalent in individualistic cultures (Catala-Minana, Walker, Bowen, & Lila,