Patriarchal Confucian And Individualism Analysis

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“Patriarchal Confucian” and Individualist factors
From the western perspectives, individualism is expressed by “freedom, democracy and equality” .While in China, individualism is always represented by “me-first-ism” and “self-fulfillment ethic”. Since China has experienced rapid economic growth, which weakened socialist spirit and starts to be replaced by individualism. The practice of cold violence has been popular in many rich and educated families in China. Since the economic and housing reform in last several decade, the state control and social value has weaken due to the rapid economic growth. Individualism because of societal change has provided a ground for the form of emotional domestic violence by men towards their wife. Moreover, because of one-child policy, many …show more content…

Both “patriarchal Confucian value” learned from their parents and lack of the ability to recognize gender equity because of not growing with sisters leads to “self-indulgence” of male. With rise of the capitalism, greedy has an important role in domestic violence, which facilitates the cold violence by educated man toward women(McLaren,2016).

Cold violence is the good example of the form of emotional domestic violence, cold violence means that the complete withdrawal of love, care, verbal and physical communication mostly by male towards their intimate partners, the women who are abused is controlled by their husband financially, in this way, male can restrain women from terminating the marriage through justice because they don’t have any physical evidence of being abused as cold violence not fit with the legal definition of domestic violence including new anti-domestic violence laws, the women thus are tortured mentally