Loop Movie Strengths And Weaknesses

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"Loop" is a Pixar animated short film directed by Erica Milsom. According to Milsom the inspiration for the film came from her own experiences working with children with special needs. She wanted to create a story that would showcase the unique strengths and abilities of individuals with autism, rather than simply focusing on their challenges and limitations. Milsom hoped to create a film that would resonate with audiences of all ages and backgrounds by highlighting the shared humanity of all people, regardless of their differences.
“Loop,” tells the story of Renee, a nonverbal autistic girl voiced by Madison Brand, and Marcus, a talkative boy voiced by Chachi Delgado, as they embark on a canoeing trip in a scenic lake. Throughout their journey, Renee and Marcus encounter several obstacles that require them to work together and communicate effectively. For instance, Marcus brings Renee into a tunnel so she can hear an echo from the music that she plays repeatedly from her phone. Although she initially enjoys this experience, she very quickly becomes overwhelmed. As Marcus retreats from the tunnel, the now distressed Renee accidentally flips the canoe, ejecting Marcus and Renee along with her phone. Marcus' patience and empathy help reassure Renee so they can continue on their journey. …show more content…

Along the way, Renee even teaches Marcus to appreciate the natural world’s beauty. Although the title, “Loop” most obviously refers to the hallmark “repetitive behaviors” or the “loop” of music Renee plays from her phone, the title also represents the circular journey that Renee and Marcus take on their canoeing trip. They begin and end in the same place, but their experiences along the way have changed them and their relationship with each