
Lord Capulet To Blame In Romeo And Juliet

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Analilia Melendez Ms. Philips English 3 06 March 2023 Your Own Father Romeo & Juliet is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare, and this play takes place in Verona, Italy during the 13th century. The main characters, Romeo and Juliet, find themselves in love, but their families hate each other. Their love overcomes their families hatred and the lovers get married in secret. The star-crossed lovers die in the end finally causing their families fighting to end. Lord Capulet is at fault for Romeo and Juliet's death because he was the one who threw the party where Romeo and Juliet met, and he changed the wedding date causing Friar Lawrence's plan to fail. Lord Capulet was the one who threw the party. In this quote Lord Capulet talks about his feast, "This night I hold an old, accustomed feast, Whereto I have invited many a guest" (1.2.20-21). Lord Capulet threw a feast so Juliet could see Paris, and he then sent a servant to invite the many guests in person which led to Romeo and Benvolio hearing about the feast. He also let Romeo stay for the feast after getting discovered. Lord Capulet let Romeo and Juliet meet. …show more content…

In this quote you can see Lord Capulet moving the wedding "Monday! Ha, ha! Well, Wednesday is too soon. A Thursday Let it be- a Thursday, tell her, she shall be married to this noble earl"(4.3.19-21). Lord Capulet moved the date of the wedding to soon which led to Juliet taking the poison early and Friar Lawrence having to send the letter sooner as well. In turn Friar Lawrence letter does not get through and he then has barely any time to send a new one for Romeo to get. Lord Capulet moving the date got his daughter and secret son in law killed because he wanted Juliet to be wedded

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