
Lord Of The Flies Chapter 1 Summary

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The --- boat crashes into the water and begins to sink. Ralph swims to the island, on the beach part of the island he meets another boy who goes by the name of Piggy. Ralph finds a conch shell, Piggy tells him that he should blow into the conch as a trumpet to tell any other survivors that they are on the island too. After he blows into the conch boys from the age of 6 to the age of 12 came out of the jungle part of the island and on to the beach part. The boys talk about what happened to the plane and decide that they need a chief, they vote Ralph as the chief. Ralph tells Jack that he should still be in charge of the choirboys because he already seemed like he was their leader. Jack gets upset because he is only in charge of the choirboys and feels …show more content…

Jack decides to test his hunting skills, he got nervous and the pig got away. The next day or Ralph blows the conch shell to round up all of the boys. Since jack interrupts Ralph when he talks, Routh makes a rule that only the person holding the conch shell can speak everyone else must remain silent. Piggy tells everyone that no one knows where the boys are, so they may be stuck on the island for a while. One of the youngest boys tells them that they saw a "beastie" last night in the woods. Ralph calms the boys and tells them they will be rescued if they make a signal fire to get passing ships' attention. Jack takes over and it has everybody follow him up the mountain to start a fire. On top of the mountain the boys see a patch of dead wood and use it to start the fire. Jack and his choirboys become the hunters and try to keep the fire going. Piggy gets upset because the boys did not think about building a shelter before they started the fire they also didn't realize that some boys were playing in the area where the fire had been started and they possibly died. The next day , Ralph and Simon work on making a shelter for the boys while Jack and others go

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