Lord Of The Flies Chapter 1 Analysis

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Compare and contrast two characters completely in Chapter 1 using themes? http://www.yoanaj.co.il/uploadImages/UserFiles/352.pdf

Using themes and representation of character Golding’s Chapter 1 of Lord of the Flies, sets the tone of the story as it introduces us to its main characters. Ralph and Jack Merridew, are two characters who represent conflicting themes of civilisation and savagery that are developed throughout the novel.Chapter 1 sets up the emotions such as fear and excitement,and the clash between two different mindsets

The novel’s protagonist, twelve-year-old English boy, Ralph represents human beings’ civilising instinct, as opposed to the savage instinct that Jack embodies. He is the representation of order, civilisation, and …show more content…

However both Jack and Ralph both are hard-headed and like to get their things done,they both collaborate sometimes.Ralph Is also very proud and sometimes gets a bit over himself we can see this in "Who wants me?" Every hand outside the choir except Piggy's was raised immediately. Then Piggy, too, raised his hand grudgingly into the air. Ralph counted. "I'm chief then."Also his pride sometimes overwhelmed himself and he begins being rude to people,”HIS NAME IS PIGGY! PIGGY!” this shows that he has a very manipulative mood and often very rude.

Jack Merridew is the novel’s antagonist, one of the older boys stranded on the island.He becomes the leader of the hunters but longs for total power and becomes increasingly wild, barbaric and cruel throughout the course of the book sometimes showing no mercy at