
Lord Of The Flies Essay

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Humans are Savages
Without modern ideas, technology, and resources human beings are savages. In Williams Golding's novel Lord of the Flies, he claims that human nature is inherently evil; research experiments and other novels such as Animal Farm by George Orwell prove this to be true. These are all accurate representations of the true nature of Humans.
Golding used the story of a plane crash full of young boys to show that humans are naturally evil. With no adult rules to abide to and no one to rely on but themselves they absolutely abandoned everything they were taught by adult figures; morals, manners, behaviors, etc.. They resorted to animalistic behaviors not fit for society showing true human nature without rules. One of the boys chose …show more content…

In this novel the character Napoleon is in a respected leadership. When faced with the choice between doing what’s best for everyone and improving quality of life for everyone, or being selfish and making life easy for himself, he of course chose the latter. This is because in the face of power human nature took over. They had rules called the commandments with one of the rules being “No animal shall kill any other animal without cause” (Orwell 74). The original commandment didn’t say without cause but with the evils of human nature napoleon added that because he felt the need to kill but couldn’t do that without losing his leadership power. So, as a solution he used his power to manipulate the others into thinking that it had always said without cause. Soon enough the others caught on to the savagery of Napoleons ways and “The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which” (Orwell 118). The thing the animals hated most was humans, because humans are inherently evil the animals were abused and mistreated their entire lives. Since Napoleon took over, they hoped their lives would improve but he got lost in the power and succumbed to the evil, becoming like what they hated most. This novel gives an accurate depiction of how evil people can truly be when given power which further proves the point that human nature is inherently

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