Lord Of The Flies Jack Character Analysis

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Wildman: An Analysis of Jack “’Kill the pig, cut her throat, bash her in,’”(Golding 75). Jack, the tall, red haired boy who loved to hunt, decides to take charge. Jack is one of the main characters who seems to always want to be in conflict with the other characters. In the Lord of the Flies by William Golding, Jack is a wild character because of his actions, speech, and appearance. To start off, Jack’s actions show that he can be a wild character. “’Come on! I’ll creep up and… stab!’” (Golding 64). This explains how Jack creeps up and then takes a stab at a pig to kill it. “’ we’ll have rules’” he cried excitedly, “’ lots of rules!’” (Golding 33). This explains how Jack wants take charge but very forcefully. Although Jack is very wild,