Lord Of The Flies Response To Bullying Essay

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In William Golding’s Lord of the Flies, the audience witness multiple acts of bullying. In the beginning of the book all the boys make fun of Piggy by literally calling him ‘Piggy’ when he specifically asked them not to. People should be confronting the bullies.

Bullying is when someone makes fun of another person or physically harms someone in a way that is meant to be mean. Friendly teasing happens between friends and isn’t meant to be mean. Typically, in a high school, bullying isn’t physical, it is mainly verbal and on the internet. This is exactly why a stand needs to be taken against the bullies. Bullying is to stop unless there is no way it can keep going. If the bullies are confronted, then they may realize that it’s not cool and that their words and actions can hurt people. …show more content…

Someone needs to take a stand against bullying because it is harming mental and emotional health of teens. In the article, “Personal Health; A Bully’s Future, From Hard Life to Hard Time,” it says “‘Victims suffer not only emotional distress but also social marginalization (i.e., classmates avoid them and they have low social status),’ Dr. Jaana Juvonen and colleagues at the University of California, Los Angeles, reported” We need to confront the bullies because mental and emotional health are really important to overall health and can take a big toll on people. If we confront and stop the bullies then the over health of kids and teens will improve. A stand needs to be taken against bullying because it isn’t safe, it promotes violent behavior. According to the article, “Personal Health; A Bully’s Future, From Hard Life to Hard Time,” it says “ Dr. Tonja R. Nansel and colleagues at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development found that children who bullied and their victims were more likely to engage in violent behaviors than those who had never been involved in bullying.” So not only are